Printable short stories for seniors
Printable short stories for seniors

It's a season of transition, after all, as the world gears up for several months of bitter cold and food-induced comas. Some of them tap into a clear Halloween or Thanksgiving vibe, while others explore the broader ideas of change, longing, and familial relationships.

Printable short stories for seniors

Now, these stories don't all address the season of fall specifically.

Printable short stories for seniors

Short stories are the ideal mix of cozy and compact, so here are a few great reads for the tail end of fall. While it yet nourishes the ground, it robs me of my self-respect. My tears have become one with Heaven's rain - the rain that falls for me, the rain that mourns for the entire earth. But it's also somehow ridiculously busy as everyone runs in circles screaming about work and school and getting things done before we enter the holiday vortex proper. But for now, only the rain falls, tapping against the window pane. It's perfect weather for curling up with a good book. And there's something about autumn that's so perfectly suited to short stories: the days are getting briefer, the winds are getting brisker, and the warm drinks are plentiful. Barb moved into a Caravan park in Victor Harbor for a short number of years, enjoying many friends and neighbours, before moving to Yankalilla. We have a few precious weeks to get all our fall reading in before we are eaten by the winter holidays.

Printable short stories for seniors

Yes, I know the drugstore Santas have begun their yearly infestation, but, believe it or not, it's still autumn.

Printable short stories for seniors